Windy morning walk

Definitely a gladiolus but not sure which one. Also the only specimen we found on our ramble along the ‘old road’ path.
The stunning bright pink erica is already fading and looking sad. Am hoping that today’s rain may restore these although I suspect that is somewhat optimisitic.

Happy Friday, every one! We have serious windy conditions forecast for the weekend, along with a bit of rain and low temperatures.

Have delayed planting out my newly germinated borage and basil seedlings to keep them protected from the harsh conditions, but with their fine little roots popping out of the bottom of the coir pods, am not sure if I am actually doing the right thing. Definitely as soon as it’s safer for you to go into the ground, darlings, I will! Gardening is a touch of a hit-and-miss affair over here. Cannot get the peppers, lettuce, savoy cabbage or thyme to sprout. Is it me? Lol.

It’s a whole year since we moved into Ridge House. Wow! A bottle of bubbly will be popped as soon as the occasion is celebrated.

The road over the Groot Rug sanddune is ablaze with salmon oxalis, cerise lampranthus and a light blue unknown beauty. What a treat!
A tiny orchid-type flower growing near the Duiwenhoks river.

A walk down to river camp last week highlighted the different biome down at the river level. The poor Cape Ash looks like it’s not loving the ring-barking done by the porcupine, with many yellow leaves. Damn!

We visited the sump, where we collect water from the springs. It’s the source of all our water, and it’s important to keep it flowing and clean. R did a quick de-mudding. The moss is looking glorious on the old rocks, and the masses of maidenhair fern are delightful too.

Didn’t know that this is a herb!

According to Margaret Roberts ‘My 100 Favourite Herbs’, Capilllaire was a drink made from mature fronds. It was once the drink of royal courts, served at balls and other ceremonies. It also is used in Ayurvedic medicine, as well as various Southern African tribes. I just love the colour and the form. Who knew?!

Finally, progress on our fire protection plan! Orders placed for pump and tanks – YAY! At least we’ll be prepared for the upcoming fire season.

Happy weekend – may you be happy and safe. x